Thursday, May 13, 2010

Relaxation With Water

Bathing is a daily ritual to cleanse the body. In addition to maintaining health, baths can release tension and refreshing body.

Some religious rituals and beliefs of certain communities has its own bathing ritual ceremonies, such as the naming ceremony (baptism) in the Christian ritual of mikvah in Judaism, junub bath (big bath) for Muslims, to practice misogi, which stood under the waterfall since that night until morning, in the teaching of Shinto in Japan.

In the archipelago, a ritual bath had a separate ceremony. Java community, for example, have developed a ritual bath, which is a symbol of women toward maturity, and being washed before the wedding ritual, which is the purification and discard the bad bride. In Palu valley, there are three big bathing ritual performed Bugis, namely bath Muharram, Safar bath and shower Rajab, with a variety of purposes, from the provision opens the door to welcome Ramadan.

In India, bathe in the Ganges River at a certain time are believed to cleanse themselves Hindus. Basically, all this bathing ritual has the same goal, namely to clean yourself physically and mentally.

Long before the ancient Roman baths which have a trend in public bath houses named thermae, Mohenjo daro ancient Indian culture and the culture of ancient Greece has a public bath facilities as places of social and recreational activities. There are even art with sand baths cleanser (scrub) to remove dead skin, heated room (sauna) to open the pores of the skin, a warm water bath, until the aroma therapy massage.

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