Monday, March 16, 2009

Stress and Avoidance Techniques

Stress can not be separated in every aspect of life. Stress can be experienced by everyone. Stress has negative implications if they accumulate in the life of the individual without the appropriate solution. The occurrence of this accumulation of stress due to the inability of individuals to control and overcome stresnya (Crampton., Hodge, & Mishra, in 1995). However stress that will produce optimal challenge and the motivation to go for the individual (Spangenberg & Theron, 1998).
Patel (1996:3, in Wulandari, 2003:28 Dian Adriana in 2005: 2) states that stress is a reaction that appears in the body that may be caused by a variety of claims, for example, when people face the challenges (challenge) is important, when are exposed on the threat (threat), or when trying to have expectations that are not realistic from the environment.
Experience of stress experienced by someone who comes from three sources, namely: the environment, body (physiology), and mind (cognitive). Environment that we are demanded to adapt. We must adapt to the weather, sound, density interpersonal demands, time pressure, the standard look and sense of security threats and self esteem.
The second source of stress is physiological. Rapid growth in the female adolescent monopause, ripen process, disease, accidents, sleep disturbances, all of our body burden. Reaction someone on the threat environment changes, and also cause changes in the body that causes the stress.
Source of stress that is thought to three. The human brain interprets and translates complex changes in the environment and emphasize the key set when panic. The way you interpret, perceive, and your experience initially at this time what you think in the future can cause you stress or relaks . Interpret grim face your boss that you do not mean that the discipline will cause dismay. Richard Lazarus a researcher on stress states that the stress starts from the assessment of your situation. First ask yourself what happened and why happened (the cause). Then to define the influence of situation kesehatn for you, ask what extent and danger of what you have to address them.
According to Patel, stress is not always negative. Basically, the stress-response is a response from the body of the claim-a claim from the outside. With such a variety of charges, the human body come to grips with creating a balance between external demands, needs and values of internal, personal coping ability, the environment and the ability to provide support. Results of interaction is the perception of stress.
Due to the perception of stress, stress muncullah 2 different conditions, namely eustress and distress. Eustress stress is the condition which gives a positive influence for the individual. This happens if stresor be interpreted as a challenge so that it can increase the motivation of the individual to be able to finish well. Meanwhile, distress is a stress that provides the influence of bad or negative. Distress occurs when individuals intepretate as a threat, obstacles, or interference, so he will always feel the fear and to be able to reduce it motivation to resolve the issue.
Stress is not able to be solved by them and will bring negative impact. Negative impact on cognitive difficulties such as concentration, considering the difficult lessons, hard to understand the lessons. the emotional impact of, among others, difficult to motivate themselves, the emergence of feeling anxious, sad, anger, frustrated, and other negative affective. Negative impact on physiological health, among others, interference, resistance to decrease the body against disease, is often a headache, body feels lethargic and weak, and insomnia. Impact of behavior that emerged among others delay the settlement of the task temporize lectures, lecture lazy, abuse drugs and alcohol, and engage in fun activities are over-and high-risk (Heiman. & Kariv, 2005.; Rice, 1992.; Spangenberg, & Theron, 1998).
ENGINEERING Overcoming Stress

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