Thursday, April 16, 2009

Protection from Teja Surya

As a man who always wanted to live better and with the tranquility very difficult . Because more barrier factors that found, to cause a feeling of fear is fear of loss, fear of failure,and many other feelings of fear. All fear will be lost only with Teja Surya seeking to protect your family or something that is real property. However, the spiritual will devoted themselves to the protection of all the negative energy that is fine / supernatural. Teja Surya who have felt flowing in the body would emit rays of light, out through theskin pores and illuminate the entire layer of your Aura. Aura you made with the protection shield rays is much more light and more compact. This is a very flashy-ray for being a fine, or want to hurt you. Being a subtle negative will reluctant even afraid of the white sun rays of light.

Eve that emanated Teja Surya will always proportionate to the upside to the weather. This means that when the air comes packed cold Teja surya absorb the air and neutralize, Surya Teja next summer to throw out the air with the heat, or vice versa. Strength of the scattered power Surya Teja issued depends on how big that flows into your body.

Usually, in many cases, the negative energy that is coming to a smooth body, so the body starts to feel cold / hot that is very different for example to do the meditation. Eve came to be exercised to create a feeling, followed the nape feathers. When this is Surya Teja protect your body, which can be felt with the energy flow of the dating from the body so that all your thoughts and feelings will be felt more calm and strong.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Exercise for relaxation breathing techniques (2)

Relaxation breathing techniques steps:

First Step:
  • Position: sitting upright, there is no physical movement, close your eyes. The hands and stick close above the thigh.
  • Breath: a combination of breathing techniques, normal rights.
  • Time: 5 - 10 minutes.
  • After sitting upright with the eyes and close them slowly, start with all the muscles relax your body. Start from the neck and shoulder muscles, make it stifled slowly. Then try to another body part that is still tense.
  • Start exploring every part of the body with the mind visualization, from the tip of the toe to rise slowly up to the crown head. Keep your eyes close with rileks.
  • After the entire body feels loose, supple and comfortable; enjoy this position a few minutes and calm your breath, slow the detention rhythm without any at all. Try all of your body feels comfortable.
Go to Step two:

  • Position: sitting upright, there is no physical movement, close your eyes. The hands open, stick your hands back on the thigh.
  • Breath: a combination of breathing techniques, normal rights.
  • Time: 5 - 10 minutes.
  • Position as you would in the first step, but the position of the hands to open the top of the stick in the back of thigh.
  • Experience with the course throughout the body; atmosphere, situation or condition of the room where you are in practice. After all your body feels comfortable, directed attention to the center of the open palm. Experience the sensation or vibration or anything that happens in a hand.

Go to step three :

  • Position: standing upright, eyes terpejam, both hands on the side of the body.
  • Breath: a combination of breathing techniques, normal rights.
  • Time: 5 - 10 minutes.
  • After a standing position you feel nice and comfortable, place some of your attention on both hands, from the shoulder to slow down on the arm, elbow and forearm, and finally a hand. Directed attention to the center of a hand.
  • After some time you may feel a sensation in the hands or the vibration in the arm and shoulder. Follow only if the vibration or energy eventually lift arms rise slowly, then down again. Continue to follow the sensation of vibration or other of the arm you with the muscle power. Picked up by itself, not on your wishes.
  • If you are the person who is less sensitive, so do not feel anything, just quiet and rileks hold. This does not mean you failed or did not benefit from this exercise. Exercise is not just physical, but it is also mind and soul.

Go to Step four:

  • Position: standing upright, close eyes, palm facing each other in front of the chest but do not touch (no distance).
  • Breath: a combination of breathing techniques, normal rights.
  • Time: 5 - 10 minutes.
  • Once you are comfortable position, place your attention on the part of the second hand, started slowly down to the shoulder arm, elbow and arm down & then the hands. Navigate your attention on the central palm.
  • After some time you may feel the sensation of vibration or energy on the hands. When the sensation or vibration energy on the hands you feel the hand, just follow the motion, do not be. Continue to follow the movement of your muscles is effortless.

If you want to practice relaxation techniques such as breathing in my commentary on this, then you will feel increased energy in the day you become big and strong. So as such, everyday life you will always be colored happiness, health and the Extraordinary Prime.

Health problem will be lost instantaneous, so you do practice this breathing relaxation technique. And replaced with health and strength of your inner-birth of Extraordinary prime.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Exercise for relaxation breathing techniques (1)

For you who want to have prime extraordinary self health, physically and spiritually,it's good if you want
to perform the relaxation steps breathing exercise.

I will teach you,how is relaxation. In most people perception,the word "relaxation" are often identical with "laziness",or
a way to sit with valid laziness. Relaxation is not a form of laziness.

Relaxation is a way to calm the physical,mind and soul from the bustle of daily life. It's different with the "laziness". In fact, the
"lazy" is a problem in mind,even in the soul; where "the shiftless" is not aware that "laziness" is a best way to live. Please understand,
that rileks and relaxed in life does not mean lazy.

With relaxation breathing techniques, we can use some body postures to make it easy on us until the desired position rileks; simultaneously with body postures, we will obtain stimuli that is needed by nerves. Relaxation technique is also aimed to activate the energy of the strength of the right brain, which is part of the brain take the emotion and the human imagination..

To be continued.........

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