Friday, July 10, 2009

Benefits of Yoga For Sex (1)

A relaxed body can make you enjoy sex more optimal activity. Sports is also one of the factors that can help you enjoy sex. But if you feel does not have much time for sports, try yoga.

Benefits of yoga in addition to making you relax and quiet, can also help you when making sexual activity. According to Ellen Barrett, author book Sexy Yoga, yoga, body shaping a strong and flexible, so easy to make you more variation in the movement or position make. Still not believe? Here are five other reasons why your 'obliged' to know yoga.

Blood Flow swing
Similarly, if you do sports, in general, yoga can also expedite the flow of blood. At a certain yoga positions, such as eagle position, the movement is directly train your pelvic muscles and smooth the flow of blood in the pelvis. "The more often you train this muscle, your space will be more knowledgeable," says Becky Jeffers, Director of the Berman Center for female sexual health and menopause Management in Chicago. According to Becky, pelvic muscle training will help you make a contraction and relaxation is stronger in the end bring you experience orgasm longer.

Up To Spirituality
When you do yoga movements, train your concentration and focus your mind. This makes you focus more on what you do. "When you accept yourself, you will know what is needed to be able to enjoy sexual activity with a partner," said Becky again. You can communicate this feeling to the pair when you are doing the activity.

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