Thursday, May 28, 2009

Becoming Healthy And Fresh With Meditation (2)

To start meditation, there are two important things to note:

  1. Intention is strong, with the first discard all events that are akan disrupt.
  2. The Body is strong, because during the meditation, the position of the body should be upright and sitting crosslegged in a long time. If sport is not strong, can disrupt the concentration that can disturb meditation.
  3. Take special time so that there is no interference, such as telephone, meetings, and others. Time can be anytime, but should be carried out routinely every day. Duration of 30 minutes of meditation in general. For beginners, you should try first for 10 minutes.
  4. Location can be anywhere, as long as the atmosphere calm. Avoid light and the aroma is too garish or too fragrant room sting because it can disrupt concentration.
  5. Use a loose-fitting clothing. Clothing strict will affect comfort, which can disrupt concentration during the meditation.
The stages of meditation
  1. To sit crosslegged with your back straight. Set to be comfortable sitting position. Put both hands in such a way so that the musculature in the arm rest and integrates with both hands the body. For beginners can use a soft cushion in the buttocks as a buffer to be able to sit upright with.
  2. Focus all the attention at one point with relax. When the lid is heavy, tender, or feel there is strength want to close eyes, let's eyes slowly closed automatically.
  3. Keep on focus attention on the breath of the nose. Interesting taste breath and remove the air through the nose. Let respiratory progress naturally. Drag breath with regular, long and soft. Do with it, not in a hurry. Concentration on the breath to be relax will and energy through the breath.
  4. Although there is a change or feeling pain in the body, keep that attention should not switch to it, but still feel the breath enter-discharge through the nose.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Becoming Healthy And Fresh With Meditation (1)

Performing routine office tasks and the household often tired. As a result, the face of sport and dull subject. This marked interference with headaches, stomach is not convenient, and chest suddenly feels crowded without any known cause. When these symptoms are ignored, then the disease can also appear.

Before that happens, you should do the meditation, a technique to maintain health and body fitness. The process of meditation is done consciously to focus more attention to point attention to one point. In conditions of meditation, one can reach the standards of balance, where the issue of energy may be minimal, all systems in the body will be the most active. With that balance, the body will avoid damage body cells too quickly, preventing cell death, and maximize the function of the cells in his life.

Although the exercise looks simple, if done regularly and continuously, the benefits of meditation is felt. Kala meditation progresses, oxygen circulation in the body for the better, because the oxigen was inhaled through the nose slowly to meet the whole chest cavity out when we are in a position to sit upright. Effect, the oxygen into the body also becomes maximum. Next, the flow of blood which carry oxygen throughout the body of the network is also better.

Meditation also helps to improve the respiratory rhythm of the short and packed into slowly and deeply, improving body stamina, concentration, and creativity. At the same time make the face appear to glow with the stress.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What is Hypnobirthing?

All women in the world growing up with the knowledge that the birth was very sick.

Birth is a natural process and cause pain. However, many women who feel the pain is worse because it's should be heavily influenced by the sense of panic and stress. This is called fear-tension-pain concept (fear-wrought-sick), where the fear cause tension or panic, which caused muscles become rigid and eventually cause pain.

There are also a number of women who delivered normal, but still use the drug for epidural pain. The use of such a drug is used more and more lately. But if all this is correct - need to correct?
Imagine a birth process with minimal pain that is felt or even not at all. This is not something that is not possible if we practice Hypnobirthing relaxation ®. Relaxation Hypnobirthing ® is a natural method used to remove the fear, panic, tense and pressure - pressure that haunt other mothers in the process of childbirth.

Relaxation of Pregnancy help pregnant women to achieve the conditions that always relax and quiet, where the effects of this condition will affect pregnant women and the environment to the process of childbirth. Relax with the condition, the brain waves will become more quiet so that they can accept new entries, which then will cause a positive reaction in the body, and it is very possible if the mother's body will follow the new entries that desired. So if the expectant mother has to do relaxation and desire birth so smoothly, not sick, healthy, and so forth, is possible if the process will be in accordance with his intention is.

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